Blueberries and green beans in paper trays on a yellow checked tablecloth

Global Food Initiative

UC is working to address one of the critical issues of our time: How to sustainably and nutritiously feed a world population expected to reach 8 billion by 2025.

Sustainable Agriculture Education Association conference overview
UC Santa Cruz’s Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems, with support from the UC Global Food Initiative, hosted the Sustainable Agriculture Education Association national conference, highlighting hands-on educational efforts that bridge scientific and social issues.
Secret unlocked to rice seed survival when underwater
UC Riverside geneticists are members of international research team that identified AG1, a gene that controls sugar availability.
Premium-minded consumers split wine market, wine execs say
Survey of wine executives to be reported Sept. 22; wine professionals also surveyed.
What the Inuit can tell us about omega-3 fats and paleo diets
The Inuit and their Siberian ancestors have special genetic mutations that help them partly counteract the effects of a diet high in marine mammal fat — and most of us don't.