Blueberries and green beans in paper trays on a yellow checked tablecloth

Global Food Initiative

UC is working to address one of the critical issues of our time: How to sustainably and nutritiously feed a world population expected to reach 8 billion by 2025.

Sustainable Agriculture Education Association conference overview
UC Santa Cruz’s Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems, with support from the UC Global Food Initiative, hosted the Sustainable Agriculture Education Association national conference, highlighting hands-on educational efforts that bridge scientific and social issues.
Rainforest Cowboys
UC Santa Barbara anthropologist explores cattle raising, deforestation and ongoing tensions between conservation and development in the Amazon.
Drones aid agriculture
UC Merced lab spurs students' use of technology to serve agriculture, environment, health.
Federal funds will help launch nutrition and obesity research center
Center —one of only 12 nationwide – will support and facilitate studies on obesity, nutrition and metabolism at UCSF and across Northern California.