Blueberries and green beans in paper trays on a yellow checked tablecloth

Global Food Initiative

UC is working to address one of the critical issues of our time: How to sustainably and nutritiously feed a world population expected to reach 8 billion by 2025.

Sustainable Agriculture Education Association conference overview
UC Santa Cruz’s Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems, with support from the UC Global Food Initiative, hosted the Sustainable Agriculture Education Association national conference, highlighting hands-on educational efforts that bridge scientific and social issues.
Who can afford organic kale on minimum wage?
A panel of health experts discusses what can be done to ensure health equity.
Q&A: Lucia Kaiser and Dorina Espinoza, nutrition researchers and educators
Kaiser is part of a UC team that’s recently completed a research project on a program called “Plan, Shop, Save & Cook.” The findings have implications for identifying strategies that tackle food insecurity. Espinoza has participated in subsequent research.
Almonds contribute little to carbon emissions, study finds
Almonds have a surprisingly small carbon footprint compared to other nutrient-rich crops, reports a team of researchers at UC Davis and UC Agriculture and Natural Resources.