What might be missing from MyPlate? Water

UC nutrition experts maintain that adding H2O will help curb our sugar intake as well as quench our thirst.
UC Davis |

Partnerships and innovation in food, ag and health

UC Davis will host a symposium Jan. 14, jointly organized with Mars Inc. and in collaboration with the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, to mark the official launch of the Innovation Institute for Food and Health, part of the World Food Center at UC Davis.

UC Global Food Initiative: Our commitment

UC is committed to putting its campuses, the state and the world on a pathway to sustainably and nutritiously feed themselves.

UC Davis |

Helping rice farmers cope with drought

UC Davis research has aided rice growers such as George Tibbitts, a UC Davis alum.
UC Santa Barbara |

Higher education food summit to explore food justice

Inaugural statewide event, Jan. 16-18, is being hosted by UC Santa Barbara in collaboration with teams from UC Santa Cruz and UC Berkeley.
UC Davis |

Top 10 trends in nutrition science

Nutrition scientists predict that 2020 will be a turning point for nutrition.

UC leads effort asking USDA to add water to MyPlate

UC nutritional policy leaders join with experts around the country to promote water as drink of choice, ideal substitute for sugar-sweetened beverages.
Lawrence Livermore Lab |

Technology quickly traces source of tainted food

Contaminated food sickens 1 in 6 Americans every year. DNATrax traces the bad stuff back to its source.

UC helps California lead the way in lima beans

Growers depend on UC research for improved varieties.
Fresno Bee |

UC Davis study: Drought will cost state’s farmers $1.5 billion

With hundreds of thousands of acres of irrigated cropland removed from production this summer, the state expects losses in crop revenue, dairy and livestock value, and added costs from well-pumping.
UC Riverside |

Explore UC Riverside's Community Gardens

The UCR Community Gardens provide a space to educate, engage, inspire and feed the campus and local community.
Fig. 1 by University of California |

Make the best pie ever using science

You may have Grandma’s recipe for the perfect crust, but do you really know what goes on at the molecular level? UCLA biophysicist Amy Rowat shares some of the scientific aspects of apple pie and explains how you can apply these insights in the kitchen.