The UC Advocacy Network
Tens of thousands of students, faculty, staff and alumni make the UC Advocacy Network a powerful platform for shaping the policies that affect UC and California. We fight for you: Your education, your health care and your future!
A connection that lasts a lifetime
From mentoring students and attending campus events to participating in professional development opportunities, joining UC's alumni network is a rewarding experience. Campus alumni associations are a great place to start.
Whether you pledge a monthly gift, donate a portion of your estate or contribute this week’s latte money, your gift helps support the best public university system in the world.
Nine UC campuses offer undergraduate and graduate education; one (UC San Francisco) is graduate/professional only. Other educational centers reach across California and beyond.
All UC campuses offering undergraduate education use the same application for undergrads.
UC’s statewide network of researchers and educators delivers science-based solutions to California’s most pressing problems in agriculture, natural resources, economic growth, nutrition and youth development. Their mission is to improve the lives of all Californians.
UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) brings research and education to all 58 California counties through UC Cooperative Extension and 13 statewide programs such as 4-H, UC Master Gardener, and CalFresh Healthy Living, UC, along with nine Research and Extension Centers across the state.
UC partners closely with California’s K-12 schools and community colleges to help prepare students and high-quality teachers.
Fact: MESA and Puente participants pass the California High School Exit Exam at much higher rates than other students. See more results
UC helps academics access new avenues to publish their discoveries and share them with the broadest audience possible.

“We thank the Hellman family for its generosity in helping to get our junior faculty members up and running, with all their new ideas."
Phil Kass
UC Davis vice provost of Academic Affairs

The Society of Hellman Fellows
The Society of Hellman Fellows is an endowed program at all ten University of California campuses that supports research for outstanding early-career faculty.