UC student disaggregated race and ethnicity data
Student enrollment and degree counts, and undergraduate admissions and graduation rates, by disaggregated race/ethnicity category.
Undergraduate graduation rates
Freshman and transfer retention and graduation rates and time-to-degree by campus, entry cohort, demographic, and source school.
Undergraduate admissions summary
Applicants, admits, and enrollees by residency, ethnicity, and source school type.
Transfer fall admissions summary
Fall applicants, admits and enrollments by first-generation status, residency, ethnicity, transfer GPA and gender.
Freshman fall admissions summary
Fall applicants, admits and enrollments by first-generation status, residency, ethnicity, high school GPA and gender.
UC employee headcount
Employee headcount dashboard with October and April snapshots back to 2011.
UC workforce diversity
Current state and historical patterns in the gender, ethnic, and age diversity of UC employee segments using various interactive filters. (Back to 2011.)
UC employees, full-time equivalent (FTE)
FTE of personnel by category and fund source with October and April snapshots back to 2011, as well as fiscal year data.
UC historical fall enrollment, 1869 to present
Historical student enrollment by level and campus dating from UC's inception.
Equity, diversity, and inclusion
The dashboards highlighted on this page (and within the Equity, diversity, and inclusion subject area) share system data that reflect the diversity of the UC community, assess equity and inequity in institutional outcomes, and explore the ways in which our students, faculty, and staff experience the UC environment as either inclusive or exclusionary.