UC Davis |

Making wind power even greener

Blades made from bamboo and mycelium could keep a growing number of wind blades out of landfills.
UC Office of the President |

Major wind power project to boost clean energy use across every UC campus

In a move to step-up its clean energy goals, the University of California signed its first-ever wind energy contract, the largest renewable energy commitment by the University to date in support of campus decarbonization.

UC Newsroom |

UC’s wild, wonderful natural reserves

Steve Monfort, executive director of the UC Natural Reserve System, shares why biodiversity is the key to our future and how UC’s reserves are its best-kept secret.
Berkeley Lab |

New UN report: Limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius requires deep decarbonization across all sectors

Seven Berkeley Lab scientists contributed to research behind report, which finds that renewable energy, energy efficiency, electric vehicles, recyclable materials, alternative fuels, and carbon capture and storage needed to slow climate change.

Looking for a carbon-friendly diet? The answer is here

A new study suggests emissions from a basic American diet are equivalent to driving a car up to 20 miles per day.
UC Riverside |

Capturing heavier rains in an era of drought

Professor Kurt Schwabe’s Fulbright fellowship will help Australia and California meet water needs.
UC Newsroom |

UC announces $15M in climate-focused innovation awards

The awards are part of a historic $185M partnership between UC and the state of California to tackle the climate crisis, from developing new methods for carbon capture to developing innovative coping strategies for drought, wildfire and other impacts of a warming planet.
UC Santa Cruz |

Leading and learning to save the world

As the leader of CalEPA, alumna Yana Garcia heads California’s fight against the ongoing climate crisis.
Berkeley Lab |

Balancing a battery-powered future with energy justice

How inclusive research could support communities around California’s Salton Sea.
UC Davis |

A new downside to coffee? It pollutes

While researchers investigate how caffeine-addicted bacteria may be used as a cleanup crew for caffeine, check out 5 ways to clean up your habit.
UC San Diego |

In the wake of a wildfire, changes in cognition and brain function linger

Persons exposed to the deadly Camp Fire in 2018 displayed evidence of what is known as “climate trauma.”
UC Santa Cruz via The Conversation |

How California could save up its rain to ease future droughts — instead of watching epic atmospheric river rainfall drain into the Pacific

Urban infrastructure was designed to take stormwater out to the ocean quickly. Now, California needs that precious water.