Lawmakers are discussing the future of facilities investments for education, and UC might get left out.
As the University of California continues to expand student programs and services, additional infrastructure will be necessary to meet our strategic goals and support the University’s core mission of education, research and public service. Across the University of California system, over half of all UC space is more than 30 years old. This means that educational facilities and student buildings have not been updated in ways that allow UC to best support our diverse communities.
Governor Newsom and legislative leaders are currently discussing an education bond for the November 2024 statewide ballot. Despite the fact that UC has been included in statewide bonds in past years there are indications that the University of California may be left out of the next education bond that could be presented to voters later this year.
We need your help asking the state legislature to include the University so we are eligible to receive funding. Such funding is critical to UC’s ability to meet its significant long-term capital needs.
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Thank you for standing up for UC and working with us to strive for a better California together.