Campuses & Locations

Space rocks hit UCLA

California's largest meteorite museum opens on campus.
UC Santa Cruz |

UCSC astronomers find bright young galaxies

The four galaxies are among the earliest and most distant ever discovered.
UC Berkeley |

Suburban sprawl cancels carbon-footprint savings of dense urban cores

Reliance on cars and trucks generates much greater greenhouse-gas emissions outside urban core areas.
UC Riverside |

Battling ants with alluring pheromones

Pheromone draws pesky, invasive Argentine ants to insecticide, eliminating need for indiscriminate spraying that can harm the environment.
UC Berkeley |

Neanderthal genome shows cozy relationship between early humans

Population geneticists find more evidence of in- and interbreeding between Neanderthals, Denisovans, other human groups.

World's earliest depiction of volcanic eruption

Professor confirms that Turkish mural is a representation of an eruption more than 8,000 years ago.
UC Newsroom |

UCSF chancellor to step down in March

Susan Desmond-Hellmann, chancellor since 2009, will become CEO of the Gates Foundation.
UC Riverside |

Can a glass of wine a day keep the doctor away?

Drinking in moderation — but not to excess — can help boost your immune response to vaccination.
UC Santa Cruz |

Game designer among top ten game developers of 2013

Brenda Romero, program director for gaming master's program, is recognized by industry site.

Student paves way for new medical clinic in Uganda

When a young Ugandan shared his dream of starting the first hospital in his district to provide free health care services, a UCLA undergraduate student chose to help make it a reality.
UC Office of the President |

UC goes tobacco free

Sales, ads and use of cigarettes, chewing tobacco and more will go away in January 2014.
UC Riverside |

How Mosquitoes Are Drawn to Human Skin and Breath

Mosquitoes love the smell of our breath and skin. Researchers are devising compounds that they'll love a bit more.