UC Newsroom |

UC alums fill Peace Corps ranks

The University of California remains a perennial leader in sending alumni to international service.
UC Santa Cruz |

Game designer among top ten game developers of 2013

Brenda Romero, program director for gaming master's program, is recognized by industry site.
UC Berkeley |

Anthropologist honored for organ trafficking research

When Nancy Scheper-Hughes began monitoring the transnational organ-transplant trade, some may have thought she was off-the-mark. But a new award recognizes the positive public-policy impacts of this self-proclaimed “agent provocateur.”
UC Newsroom |

Sustainability projects win honors

Statewide conference recognizes UC, other higher ed institutions for green achievements.
UC Office of the President |

UC's strong showing in reputation rankings

Five campuses — two in the top 10 — place in Times Higher Education assessments of research universities.

UC Office of the President |

UC researchers win new Breakthrough Prize

Napoleone Ferrara of UC San Diego and Shinya Yamanaka of the UCSF Gladstone Institutes among inaugural recipients.

UCLA emeritus professor accepts Nobel prize in Economics

Professor emeritus Lloyd Shapley received his Nobel diploma and medal at a ceremony in the Stockholm Concert Hall.