UC Berkeley |

What does a thought look like?

Trippy: UC Berkeley neuroscientists are recording a thought's fleeting trip through the brain.

UC San Diego |

The ocean is losing its breath

Climate change is rapidly increasing marine ‘dead zones,’ where oxygen is too low to support most marine life.

UC Davis |

Healing burned paws with fish skin

A young mountain lion injured during the Thomas fire receives an innovative therapy to get him back on his feet.


How bird genetics adapt to climate change

Scientists find yellow warbler DNA is already adjusting to new conditions and ask whether it's enough to survive.

UC Berkeley |

First step toward CRISPR cure of Lou Gehrig’s disease

Scientists disable a muscle degeneration trigger to extend mouse lifespans by 25 percent.

UC Santa Barbara |

How do we break our addiction to plastic?

More than 8.3 billion metric tons (9.1 billion tons). That’s the amount of plastic humans have created since the large-scale production of synthetic materials began in the early 1950s. It’s enough to cover the entire country of Argentina, and most of the material now resides in landfills or in the natural environment.


Ancient fossil microorganisms indicate that life in the universe is common

Life was already diverse 3.5 billion years ago — and may be so elsewhere today.


As genetic testing grows popular, UCSF clinic emerges to provide context

Genetics is only as good as the qualifications of the person interpreting it, says Dr. Bryce Mendelsohn.

UC San Diego |

Wounded sea turtle healed with 3-D printing

An innovative brace has helped a Loggerhead Sea Turtle double her weight and thrive.

UC Newsroom |

5 UC faculty awarded the largest monetary prize in science

UC scholars bring home the majority of 2018's Breakthrough Prizes, known as the 'Oscars of science.'

UC Davis |

How climate denial blogs undermine scientific understanding

A lack of scientific rigor can spread like wildfire online, hurting public perception of climate change.


Painless dental lasers can render teeth cavity-resistant

New technology for repairing teeth and strengthening enamel may soon be in a dental office near you.