UC Santa Cruz |

Rescuing damaged chromosomes

The discovery of a 'Hail Mary' mechanism for saving damaged cells could lead to new strategies to fight cancer.

UC Berkeley |

Science shows for the first time how puberty makes learning harder

Parents who think a switch is flipped: read this.

UC San Diego |

How climate change makes us all lose sleep

Millions of nights of insufficent sleep could be created by rising temperatures, study says.


How to beat jet lag (according to science)

Setting off? Don't forget to pack this advice.

UC Berkeley |

The work ethic of birds

Scruples are found across the natural world and for good reason, new research shows.

Berkeley Lab |

Solving the mystery of floating rocks

Scientists uncover how pumice can remain buoyant for years.

UC Riverside |

Using seaweed to kill California's least favorite ant

Hydrogel baits could help control Argentine ants, the subject of 85 percent of the state's pest control services.

UC Riverside |

Study of Earth's first animals broadens understanding of early evolution

Secrets of early life hide within one of the oldest fossil animals, Dickinsonia.

UC Davis |

Something new in the stars

There's a new type of planetary object in town — a synestia.

UC Davis |

Nearly half of California’s native salmon, steelhead and trout on track to be extinct within 50 years

The good news is it's not too late to reverse the trend.

UC San Diego |

Chemists create the ultimate natural sunscreen

Synthetic particles mimic the cell structures that produce melanin and protect our skin.

UC Santa Cruz |

Cancer in the crosshairs

UC Santa Cruz is taking on cancer where it begins: the genome.