UC Merced |

What ancient DNA tells us about the Himalayas

UC Merced leads genomic research in one of the world's most understudied regions.

UC Davis |

Study takes on gender performance gap in online video games

Fewer women are gamers than men, but does that mean there's a difference in ability? UC Davis finds out.


Free to be he, she, they

UCSF’s pioneering Child and Adolescent Gender Center is helping a growing number of families with gender identity.

UC Santa Cruz |

Why don't we say what we mean?

These two UC Santa Cruz professors think it's time to have a talk with Siri.

UC Merced |

Dedicated student breaks ground with Ph.D., autism research

UC Merced's first African American doctoral graduate balances research with parenting two autistic sons.

UC Riverside |

Naps can boost memory, study shows

New UC Riverside research finds possible missing link between sleep and improved recall.


After kicking addiction, graduating UCLA student reboots life

Native American student finds way back to help others pursue higher education.

UC Santa Cruz |

UC Santa Cruz professor to create new public database about the slave trade

UC Irvine also contributes research to visualizing its massive scale.


The teenage brain on social media

A new UCLA study sheds light on the influence of what peers "like."

UC Riverside |

NSF funds extensive survey of Asian Americans

UCs Berkeley, Irvine, and Riverside team up to undertake the most extensive study of this fast-growing population to date.

UC Berkeley |

How you argue could make you sick

UC Berkeley researchers find different — but negative — health outcomes, whether you raise your voice or keep a stiff upper lip.


How freshmen have changed in the past 50 years

Over the course of a 15 million student survey, a UCLA professor finds reasons for optimism.