Campuses & Locations
UC Newsroom |

Social entrepreneurs take spotlight at TEDWomen

Featured UC startups range from a virtual reality game that heals trauma to the world's most advanced exoskeleton.
UC San Diego |

Facebook users live longer, study says

All that time spent on your favorite social network may be extending your life.
UC Berkeley |

Does your mind jump around, stay on task or get stuck?

Increased awareness of our thoughts at rest could lead to better mental health.
UC Davis |

New animal health-food safety lab dedicated

Lab devoted to protecting farm animals, the food supply and the public against new and emerging diseases.
UC Santa Barbara |

A tiny machine

Electrical and computer engineers design an infinitesimal computing device, once the stuff of science fiction.

Greenhouse gases played role in record-low 2015 snowpacks

UCLA scientists say results of new study are cause for concern.
UC Davis |

New theory explains how the moon got there

A fresh look at why the moon is so distinct from other objects in the solar system.
UC Merced |

The real horror of ‘Frankenstein:’ Human extinction

If we actually shared the planet with Mary Shelley's monster, we'd only last about 4,000 years.
UC Newsroom |

How to break the junk food habit

Sugar may be addictive, but you can break free.
UC Davis |

Can being uncertain of your social rank be bad for your health?

New research suggests that not knowing where you stand takes a serious toll.
UC San Diego |

Active genetics goes global

Tata Trusts and UC San Diego partner to establish Tata Institute for Active Genetics and Society.

Brain wave recordings predict whether antidepressants will work

UCLA study finds noninvasive method that may help speed relief from the disorder.