Campuses & Locations
UC Newsroom |

Smokers struggle to find jobs, get paid less

A new study supported by UC has found that tobacco use while unemployed could make job prospects go up in smoke.

UC Cooperative Extension takes community gardening to new level in Riverside

UC Cooperative Extension in Riverside County is bringing together students, agencies, nutrition educators and gardening experts to work alongside families to grow produce in garden plots at a community facility.
UC San Diego |

Visual arts and engineering transforming education

Engineers and visual artists collaborate on final projects together in a new studio on the UC San Diego campus.

UCLA study yields the key to effective personalized medicine

New platform optimizes drug doses to prevent organ rejection for transplant patients.

WIC food improves preschool children's diet quality, UC study finds

Federal assistance program serves roughly 4 million children.
UCSF Science of Caring |

Novel doula training for incarcerated women and those at risk grows

Successful UC San Francisco-supported vocational program provides empowerment and economic stability.
UC Berkeley |

UC Berkeley alums find canvassing reduces transgender prejudice

A new study finds that 10-minute talks can shift opinion as profoundly as 14 years of social change.
UC Riverside Magazine |

Flitting through eternity

UC Riverside provides some new insight into the physical basis of near-death experiences.
UC San Diego |

Higher levels of vitamin D correspond to lower cancer risk

Levels of 40 ng/ml or greater can make the disease as much as 67 percent less likely, UC San Diego researchers find.

Wanted: Students with a great research idea about the Internet

UCLA will provide $15,000 each to 12 undergraduates for a year in the interest of innovation.
UC Davis |

UC Davis 'Computer Science for All' now available for schools nationwide

Curriculum helps students struggling with math, especially algebra.
UC Merced |

UC Merced study: In-home parent training levels field for low-income kids

New research shows home visits by trainers can close cognitive development gaps.