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UC Newsroom |

JFK: Fifty years on

Looking back at President Kennedy's assassination a half century ago.
UC Riverside |

License to ill

Firms that engaged in prior socially responsible behavior are more likely to then engage in socially irresponsible behavior.

Film archive footage captures the Kennedy era

If you tuned in to watch the PBS documentary, “American Experience: JFK,” earlier this week, you saw historical footage taken from the holdings of the UCLA Film and Television Archive — including clips of John F. Kennedy during his…

Biologists find an evolutionary Facebook for monkeys and apes

For Old World primates, the variety and complexity of their facial colors and patterns play a major role in helping them identify members of their own species and communicate with one another.
UC Natural Reserve System |

Weather stations help answer climate questions

UC Natural Reserve System network provides data to measure how changes are impacting wildlife.
UC Office of the President |

Sequestration takes toll on research, education

UC leadership: Science is at risk because of across-the-board spending cuts in the federal budget.
UC Davis |

Frog abnormalities not as common as feared

A 10-year study shows some good news for frogs and toads on national wildlife refuges: The rate of abnormalities such as shortened or missing legs was less than 2 percent overall.
UC Irvine |

People with superior recall powers vulnerable to false memories

Test subjects with super-autobiographical memory logged scores similar to those with average memory, researchers find.

Low-fat diet changes prostate cancer tissue

Study suggests altering diet lowers cell cycle prorgression score, a key predictor for recurrence of the disease.

For anxious children and teens, context counts

Those with anxiety disorders have more activity in specific part of brain if interpreting situations negatively, study finds.
UC Santa Barbara |

JFK presidency: what was, what might have been

Fifty years after his assassination, scholars examine John Kennedy's accomplishments and the work he left undone.
UC Davis |

Grapevine virus screening saves wine country $60M

Study quantifies monetary benefits for Napa, Sonoma counties of UC Davis-based Foundation Plant Services.